Plutarch's Life of Cato the Younger
Coming from a long line of ancient Roman virtue, Cato the Younger makes a name for himself in resisting tyranny and standing for the rule of law. What lessons does he have for us today on citizenship?
Week 1 - Youth and Family
Week 2 - Religion and Philosophy
Week 3 - First Forays into War and Politics
Week 4 - Cato as Quaestor
Week 5 - Cato as Tribune
FREE PREVIEWWeek 6 - Cato vs. Metellus and Pompey
Week 7 - Violence in the Streets!
Week 8 - The Triumvirate Reaffirmed
Week 9 - Cato and Pompey vs. Caesar
Week 10 - Cato in Utica
Week 11 - Cato's End